ProjectAccess:Warmth Launches to Bridge Widening Need Gap

Inspired by 2020s increasing strain on access to basic human needs, local organizations unite to give.

The region’s newest Medicare-approved diagnostic imaging provider, New Frontier Mobile Diagnostics, has teamed up with local homeless outreach program, Uplift Organization, under a common passion: improving the community’s access to basic human necessities.

The premise for the program, titled ProjectAccess:Warmth, is simple- For every service New Frontier’s diagnostic imaging technologists perform, the company will donate a winter clothing item, provided by Spectrum Promotional & Apparel, to Uplift who will get it to a community member in need. 

The campaign will run continuously until February 28th leveraging New Frontier’s growing base of care provider clients to give back to the area’s most vulnerable one ultrasound at a time.

Help Us Bridge The Access Gap

All care providers have to do in order to help ProjectAccess:Warmth reach its winter clothing donation goals is order diagnostic imaging services through New Frontier.

The company will send you a simple pilot agreement so their technologists can perform the procedures for patients in your office or facility, and then they’re just a fax away when you have a patient in need!

New Frontier’s team will come right to the point of care, perform the service, turn around high-quality test results rapidly, and donate the winter clothing items provided by Spectrum Promotional to Outreach.

A Mission Driven Team

New Frontier Mobile Diagnostics, which started procedures in July 2020 as Covid-19 cases swelled, was founded with the mission to bring much needed care directly to the most at risk populations.

By performing in-office/in-facility diagnostic services for heart disease, stroke, diabetes, vascular, and other conditions, overseen by industry leader Healient Physician Group, New Frontier is able to minimize exposure and lower risk for patients who would typically be sent to hospitals or transferred to imaging centers for their testing.

“Having access to the care you need should not put you at risk. And, especially in the Midwest, having access to warmth in the winter months should not be up for debate,” says New Frontier Mobile Diagnostics CEO Jeff Blackwood.

“We’re so thankful to be able to work with an organization as compassionate and mission oriented as Uplift, which served more than 5,500 of the areas homeless in 2020s second quarter alone.”

Uplift, which is an all-volunteer organization founded in 1990, has not been deterred by the novel coronavirus.

“Our friends on the streets rely on our trucks and our volunteers. We have served them every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday for 30 years without missing a single night. We are deeply committed to continuing to serve them.” The organization said in a spring brief on the topic.

“Uplift survives entirely on donations,” explained Blackwood “and New Frontier looks forward to contributing to the good they do for the community through the joint launch of ProjectAccess:Warmth.”

To start your pilot with New Frontier and help ProjectAccess:Warmth provide the area’s homeless with access to winter clothing items this winter, email Jeff Blackwood, CEO of New Frontier today or call us at (913) 428-9488. 

About New Frontier Mobile Diagnostics

New Frontier is the Greater Kansas City Area’s newest Medicare-approved provider of in-room diagnostic imaging services for heart, vascular, and general imaging procedures. Our partnership with Healient Physician Group ensures informed, professional analysis, bringing patients access to quality diagnostic care, when they need it, where they need it. For more information, go to