
Ultrasound of the Heart Saves Lives

February is Heart Health Awareness Month, and according to the World Health Organization, Ischemic Heart disease is the number one killer in the world. Still, preventative measures and early diagnoses can help those numbers decrease. In recognition of Heart Health Awareness month, New Frontier Mobile Diagnostics is focusing on how cardiovascular ultrasound is an essential, easy, and preventative procedure for patients.

Cardiac ultrasound, also known as an Echocardiogram or Echo, is a non-invasive procedure that gives off no harmful radiation. The patient’s doctor orders these procedures, typically for chest pain, shortness of breath, hypotension, or abnormal EKG. The New Frontier cardiac sonographer travels directly to the patient’s doctor’s office or facility. There, they take ultrasound images, video, and measurements of the inside of a patient’s heart in real-time. From there, New Frontier’s cardiologist team interprets the images and dictates a report that is sent back to the ordering physician. This process typically takes less than 48 hours. It ensures the doctor gets the information they need to identify the next steps of the care plan, and the patients get the answers they deserve.

Echocardiograms take an hour or less to complete, and yet they can make all the difference in the world for patients. This test allows for earlier diagnosis or preventative planning that can give physicians the information needed to create a plan for the future.

If you are experiencing chest pain or any other possible signs of heart problems, talk with your doctor about your options and have them call New Frontier Mobile Diagnostics today at (913) 428-9488 to schedule your heart ultrasound.

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