The Practice Manager’s Guide to a New Frontier of Care

Increasing Revenue, Decreasing Stress, and Optimizing the Patient Experience with Point-of-Care Ultrasound Services

As a Practice Manager, your work ensures the practice runs as smoothly as possible for the physicians and your patients. There’s a lot under your care, but at the end of the day, managing costs and maximizing profit are key factors to success in your role. New Frontier provides Practice Managers a new, easy way to achieve those goals while improving patient satisfaction.

For background, New Frontier uses hospital grade, portable diagnostic technology to perform in-office imaging for patients in primary care practices, covering heart conditions, vascular conditions, and more. Our certified technologists are partnered with doctors from Healient Physician Group, Kansas City’s premier cardiology, vascular and wound care practice, to provide high-quality, informative studies to care teams.

In a nutshell, we support your team in reaching its financial goals, help patients get unparalleled care while managing their costs, and take a load off practice managers by streamlining the scheduling and billing processes for our services.

Here’s how:

Increase E/M Revenue with Supporting Documentation

Evaluation and Management (E/M) codes are the lifeblood of a primary practice’s revenue, comprising anywhere from 30-50% of a practice’s income. To increase that revenue, practices either need to see more patients or increase the revenue they generate from existing patients.

The good news is that an increase of a single CPT code level (ie: from 99213 to 99214) for E/M claims will result in an average of 47% more revenue per patient.

Changes finalized in the 2020 Physician Final Rule for E/M revenues simplified reporting by eliminating history and physical exams as elements for code selection, but documentation is still required to support a billed amount. While the new rules shift emphasis more to the time spent with the patient, any increase in E/M time must be accompanied with documentation supporting increased decision-making time.

Diagnostic imaging reports produced by New Frontier meet that documentation requirement, allowing practices the support to increase per patient E/M revenue by up to 50%.

Easy for your Team, Easy for your Patients

In developing our solutions, New Frontier focused on making it easy for practices to integrate our services into their offices’ workflows without causing disruption.

Here’s how easy we’re talking: Once your team sends an imaging order to New Frontier, we handle the rest. Our team coordinates an exam room with your staff, schedules the procedure directly with the patient, bills for services, performs the study, and provides the finalized report to you within a single business day.

Offering in-office imaging also makes it easy on the patients, since they know exactly where the procedure will be performed. Missed appointments cost the U.S. healthcare system more than $150 billion a year. While one in every three patients is referred out to see a specialist, according to The Milbank Quarterly, 25-50% of referring physicians do not know whether their patients actually saw the specialist they were referred to at all.

Since New Frontier performs imaging procedures in your practice’s office, the familiarity of waiting in your lobby vs. that of a 3rd party provider can increase patient satisfaction a whopping 55% while ensuring they get the diagnostic information needed for their care.

On top of the revenue benefits and ease of service integration for your practice, New Frontier makes our imaging procedures affordable. Since we don’t have the overhead costs of a facility, we’re able to offer our procedures at a fraction of the cost of a hospital or imaging center without sacrificing the quality of care.

Your practice will benefit from the E/M revenue. You can take a load off with the scheduling and billing. and your patients will appreciate the ease, level of care and savings.

Don’t take Our Word; Give New Frontier a Try

Does this sound great? We think so, too.

In fact, New Frontier is so convinced you’ll love our service that we’ve developed a simple, 30-day trial, allowing practices to see how our services can benefit your patients and your bottom line. Even with after the 30-day trial, New Frontier is dedicated to providing you with a great experience, so we allow you to cancel at any time.

If you’re ready to explore an easy way to make a positive impact on your practice in 2021, call New Frontier Mobile Diagnostics at 913-428-9488, today.