April is National Minority Health Month

March 31, 2021 0 Comments

Imaging Care for Minority Health Month

April is National Minority Health Month, and New Frontier is celebrating minority voices and bringing awareness to the healthcare disparities faced by minorities in the United States.

As we highlighted in the post explaining our mission, “Imaging for Everyone,” access to quality, affordable healthcare is one of the largest barriers affecting the equitable distribution of healthcare services in the United States, causing over 31 million uninsured in 2020.

Minorities face High Medical Bills

In a 2019 study[1], high health insurance coverage costs were cited by 74% of uninsured adults, and three in ten uninsured adults went without medical care due to cost. A study released by the CDC in 2020[2] showed that 13% of white Americans live in families that have problems paying medical bills, but those numbers jump to 15.6% and 20.6% for Hispanic and African American families, respectively.

Percent of American families with problems paying medical bills. Source: CDC 2020

Cost is just one factor affecting health equity, though. Availability of services, location, cultural acceptability, and appropriateness of care all factor into healthcare disparities that result in real-life health consequences for minorities. 

Minorities have Increased Risk of Heart Disease

A 2018 study by the CDC showed that African Americans were 30% more likely to die from heart disease than non-Hispanic whites. In addition, African Americans are 40% more likely to have high blood pressure but less likely to have it under control.

Echocardiograms are the first “look” that a physician receives of a patient’s heart in motion, showing the size, function, and rhythm of the heart in an effort to diagnose a condition. That’s where we come in.


Imaging for Everyone

New Frontier believes that everyone deserves quality, affordable imaging, so we’re offering a discount on Echocardiograms for patients at participating practices.

Contact your physician today and ask them if you can get an Echocardiogram from New Frontier Mobile Diagnostics. They can contact us at (913) 428-9488 or [email protected].

[1] “Key Facts about the Uninsured Population,” Kaiser Family Foundation; Jennifer Tolbert, Kendal Orgera, Anthony Damico; Nov 6, 2020; https://www.kff.org/uninsured/issue-brief/key-facts-about-the-uninsured-population/

[2] “Problems Paying Medical Bills, 2018,” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Amy E. Cha, Robin A Cohen; February 2020; https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/products/databriefs/db357.htm

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