Cost-Effective Care for Facilities

Reduce NEMT Costs, Improve Care

While a lot of attention is being paid to the use of Non-Emergency Medical Transport (NEMT) as a way to improve access to care for seniors and individuals with disabilities, it’s still very expensive and very difficult to coordinate for care facilities. As rural hospitals and other medical facilities continue to close, the distances traveled increase and NEMT can quickly become a cost a logistical challenge that hinders your ability to care for your residents. 

Point-of-care portable ultrasound provides a cost-effective alternative to medical transportation that results in high patient satisfaction and increased access to care. 

By contracting with New Frontier, your care facility gains access to high-quality diagnostic care from skilled technicians performing procedures on-site or at a clinic space close to your facility.

With our portable ultrasounds and skilled technicians, New Frontier Mobile Diagnostics works with your resident’s physician to diagnose the following types of conditions:

  • Diabetic neuropathy
  • Thyroid or glandular problems
  • Vascular flow and occlusions
  • Heart disease
  • Biopsy and needle guidance
  • Wound care

Contact New Frontier Mobile Diagnostics, today, to see how we can improve care for your residents while reducing your medical costs. 

"The use of point-of-care ultrasound cut $1,134 of additional diagnostic testing costs for privately insured patients, $2,826 for out‐of‐network or uninsured patients, and $182 for Medicare and Medicaid patients."

Van Schaik, Van Shaik, Murphy: POCUS in Community Emergency Department, Journal of Ultrasound Medicine, Aug 2019

How do I work with New Frontier Mobile Diagnostics?

Great question, and we’re glad you asked!

NFMD tries to make it easy for our facility partners to provide residents care when they need it, where they need it. Our main goal is to improve access to care for your residents, and we want to do everything we can to be the “Easy” button for diagnostic care. 

There are two ways care facilities can work with New Frontier, but it’s important to note that a Primary Care Physician or an appropriately skilled Nurse Practitioner MUST prescribe the diagnostic procedure. New Frontier Mobile Diagnostics is not allowed to perform procedures without prior authorization and a physicians prescription for the procedure. 

First, we offer a Per Diem option, where your facility can “lease” the services of NFMD’s trained personnel and equipment on a half- or full-day basis. This provides you with the ability to schedule procedures for your residents, have NFMD perform the procedures, and you can gain the reimbursement. 

Next, NFMD offers an On Call option, where we establish working hours and a room in the facility, and NFMD will have a technician and equipment on site within an agreed response time (typically 2-4 hours, depending on workload and time of day). In this case, NFMD charges facilities on a per test basis, with a monthly minimum required to maintain the schedule.

As an alternative, NFMD can provide a Full Service option, where you supply the patients and prescribed procedures, and we provide all the rest, including scheduling, billing, and reimbursement for the medical procedures. In this case, NFMD may wish to license space from you for performing procedures, providing your facility with extra income.